Special issue - Call for abstracts
‘Citizens of the World / Citoyens du monde/Sitwayen Mond Lan /Ciudadanos del Mundo’: Haitian Mobilities and Futurities across the Americas
Deadline: Send abstracts to JOHS@haitianstudies.ucsb.edu by March 30, 2025; full articles due August 1.
As highlighted at the Haitian Studies Association conference in October 2023, there is growing scholarship on Haitian mobilities from researchers in the U.S., Canada, France, and Latin America. At the same time, there is an urgent need to document human rights violations against Haitians in transit and advocate for more humane policies across the hemisphere. This special issue will bring together scholars, artists, and advocates to explore the shift in Haitian migration, with a focus on Haiti’s diaspora with particular attention to Central America, South America, and Mexico....
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Submission Guidelines
The Journal of Haitian Studies accepts original articles in English, Kreyòl, French, and Spanish. JOHS is the only refereed journal dedicated to scholarship on Haiti. Interdisciplinary in its essence, it combines the arts, the sciences and the humanities. Contributors should prepare manuscripts in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition. APA styles will be accepted for specialized articles.
Submissions: Submissions may be sent electronically to JOHS@haitianstudies.ucsb.edu (**please note new email address**). Please include charts, graphs, photos, etc. as separate files (if they are too large to email, please send them via a file-sharing service such as Dropbox or Google Drive, or else email for assistance).
Abstract: An abstract of approximately 150 words is required. In an effort to ensure that new ideas circulate productively between Haiti, the United States, and the other countries represented by our readership, we are now requiring that all published articles include abstracts in at least two of the journal’s primary languages (English, French, and Kreyòl). An article submitted with only a single abstract will still go through the review process, but if it is accepted, the author must provide an abstract in the second language before the article is printed.
Length: The normal length for articles should be 5,000–10,000 words, double-spaced, including endnotes and bibliography.
References: Titles of journals should not be abbreviated. In addition to endnotes, references and full publication information should be furnished in a bibliography at the end of the article, using the appropriate style.
Spelling: The standard for English spelling should be used. For articles, quotations or references in Kreyòl, use standardized Kreyòl orthography, as in the dictionaries published by EDUCA VISION, 7550 NW 47th Avenue, Coconut Creek, FL 33673: Fekyè Vilsen ak Mod Etelou, Diksyonè Kreyòl Vilsen (1994); Diksyonè Kreyòl Anglè (1991); Diksyonè Anglè Kreyòl/English Kreyòl Dictionary (1991).
Quotations: Quotations exceeding five lines should be set apart with a space below and above. Permission from relevant publishers should be sought and an acknowledgment should be made for the reproduction of copyrighted material in excess of 100 words.
Tables: Tables should be typed on a separate sheet at the end of the manuscript with their position clearly marked in the text. If more than one table is submitted, they should be marked with Roman numerals and include a descriptive title.
Illustrations: Authors are responsible for acquiring permission from the copyright holder, and paying any necessary fees, in order to reproduce photos and other images within an article. If original illustrations are submitted, they should be suitable for publication in a finished format with their position in the text clearly marked. All images must be submitted in black and white and at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
Review Process: Each article will be reviewed as a blind submission by at least two peer evaluators. The author’s name and any references that would permit identification should appear only on the cover page and should include the author’s name, address (home and institutional affiliation), telephone number, and email and web addresses.
Book Reviews: Book reviews should be sent electronically as an attachment by e-mail to the Book Review Editors, Alessandra Benedicty-Kokken (a.benedicty@uva.nl) and Marie-José Nzengou-Tayo (HSA.BRE.MJNzengou@gmail.com). Please read the complete Book Review Guidelines, which contain the list of books currently available for review.