logo for Kalfou: Community Centered

Kalfou: Community Centered is a collective gathering space for dreaming together about what a better world might look like and taking action to make that world a reality.

In each episode, we host a conversation among artists, educators, and activists about events in the current news cycle. Our guests illuminate the structural forces shaping the present moment and share examples of historical and contemporary activism, helping us understand how we got here and inspiring us with actions we can take to move forward.

Kalfou is hosted by Dr. Felice Blake, senior editor of Kalfou: A Journal of Comparative and Relational Ethnic Studies, and co-produced by Felice Blake and Rose Elfman. It's available on SpotifyApple PodcastsiHeartRadioLibsyn, and here at the links below.

Show notes, transcripts and recordings

Episode 1