Photographs of the Occupation


Ermitte St. Jacques and Jeffrey W. Sommers

Haiti and Its Occupation by the United States in 1915: Antecedents and Outcomes

—Roundtable discussion by Patrick Bellegarde-Smith, Alex Dupuy, Robert Fatton Jr.,
Mary Renda, Ermitte St. Jacques, and Jeffrey W. Sommers

Race, Reality, and Realpolitik

The US Power Elite and the Political Economy of Haiti’s Occupation: Investment, Race, and World Order

Jeffrey W. Sommers

Garveyism in Haiti during the US Occupation

Brenda Gayle Plummer

Des Leaders protestants haïtiens dans la vague anticléricale et nationaliste (1927–1929)

Lewis Ampidu Clorméus

“Haitian Habits” or Occupation Policies? Harris Lifschitz and the Unevenness of State Building in Haiti, 1898–1921

Matthew Casey

Occupation Outcomes: Dimensions of a Crisis

“To Start Something to Help These People”: African American Women and the Occupation of Haiti, 1915–1934

Brandon R. Byrd

Capture Land: Jamaica, Haiti, and the United States Occupation 

Matthew J. Smith

Women on the Move: Reinterpreting Haitian Migration to Cuba through an Analysis of the Bahamas 

Ermitte St. Jacques


Listen to My Clamor: Jacques Roumain’s “Call to Arms”

—Translation and commentary by Patti M. Marxsen

Then and Now: Haitian Journalism as Resistance to US Occupation and US-Led Reconstruction

Shearon Roberts

Mwen Pas Connait as Resistance: Haitians’ Silence against a Violent US State

Yveline Alexis

Cultural Context: Accommodation and Adaptations

L’Impact de l’occupation américaine d’Haïti (1915–1934) sur le créole haïtien (kreyòl): Enrichissement lexical et nouveaux besoins matériels

Hugues Saint-Fort

(Re)Lire Georges Sylvain, écrivain à la croisée des frontières

Nadève Ménard

US Occupation and Frankétienne’s Schizophrenic Writing

Alex Lenoble

Beyond Authenticity: The US Occupation of Haiti and the Politics of Folk Culture

Imani D. Owens


Book Reviews

Atabey, Yucayequey, Caney : 6000 ans d’aménagement territorial préhispanique sur l’île d’Ayiti (Haïti/République Dominicaine) ; Une Approche holistique du patrimoine aux Antilles ; Les Paysages culturels, by Gilbert R. Valmé

—Review by Michael C. Reyes

L’Armée indigène : La Défaite de Napoléon en Haïti, by Jean-Pierre Le Glaunec

—Review by Jean Alix René

Haiti: From Revolutionary Slaves to Powerless Citizens; Essays on the Politics and Economics of Underdevelopment, 1804–2013, by Alex Dupuy

—Review by Matthew J. Smith

Hold Tight, Don’t Let Go: A Novel of Haiti, by Laura Rose Wagner

—Review by Évelyne Trouillot